Advertising with WA4PT
Email Blast
$75 each
Supply us with your logo or other artwork, headline, and message and we'll blast your email out to our members. You'll reach roughly 300 private practice and in-agency practitioners with links to your website or the other downloadable content you want them to see.

Classified Ad
Your posting of up to 100 words will be included in the Classifieds section of the WA4PT website. Classifieds include Job Openings, Office Space Availability, or Paid Events.

Booth at one of our Workshops or Conferences
Your display, literature, giveaways, items for sale, etc. on a 6' table at one of our events.

Content-Based Outreach
Any licensed provider (LMHC/LMFT/LICSW/CMHS, etc) can provide content for our "Updates" page provided content review by a member of our board.

Classified Ads on our Facebook
If you prefer not to post via our website, WA4PT invites you to provide us with an image and link we can share with our Facebook followers. You'll receive a link which you can "like" and share to help boost the signal!

For additional details, to submit an ad, or to make a payment, please contact us at: playtherapy.washington@gmail.com
or reach out to is via our contact form!